This offer includes overnight accommodations at the hotel, breakfast the next morning and the noon "Sailor’s Menu" in our restaurant

This is a sample menu and may vary depending on availability.

Sailor's Menu Example

Crispy Basket of Ham with Vegetables, Prawns and Semi-Cured Cheese Chips.

Mussels and Clams with garlic.

Soggy Rice with Small Prawns.

House Tiramisu.
Natural Strawberry Sorbet with Cava.

Water, Bread, Sardà Red or White Wine, € 20 + VAT per person

Children’s Menu

Neapolitan spirals.
Milanese Loin of Pork
Egg Custard.

In the case our clients have children, they can enjoy the Sailor’s Special Offer for Children. This includes accommodation (sharing a room with parents), breakfast and kids menu, all for € 23 per child + VAT.

Price per person a day + VAT
Low season: € 49,00