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Las Casas de Alcanar.

  • Church of St. Peter (Sant Pere). Built between 1862 and 1865, in the eclectic popular style.
  • Promenade (“Paseo Marítimo”). The coast trip to the mouth of the Senia River.
  • Callao Portal. A stone gate dated 1617.


  • Sant Miquel Church. A church-fort of the XVIth century, with Renaissance portal.
  • “Torre del Carrer Nou” (A New Street Tower). Remains of the old sixteenth century defences of the town.
  • “Cisterna de la Vall” (Wall Cistern).The old wall pit, built in the 1600s.
  • O'Connor House. An Art Nouveau (Modernist) house.
  • “Mirador” (Viewpoint). A place from where you can see the entire irrigated valley of Alcanar (the “orange valley”) and the coastline down to Peniscola.
  • Hermitage of Remei. A religious building dated 1626.

Moleta (del Remei). An Iberiansettlement inhabited between VII – II B.C.